Analysis of internal resources (analysis of resources and internal capabilities of the company)

Analysis of the general position of the company allows us to determine the compliance of its strategy with the external and internal environment, i.e. external market conditions and internal resources and competitive opportunities. In the process of analysis, the position of the company is studied according to five parameters [15 pp.133–162]: Effectiveness of the company’s […]

The main forms of competition in the world market (price, non-price)

The presence of the basics of competitiveness in itself does not guarantee success in the world market. The firm needs an active struggle to maintain its position with the support of the nation-state. Usually, competition is reduced to two main forms: price and non-price, although this division is conditional. The company’s pricing strategy is aimed, […]

Modern forms of competition in the world market

Competitiveness of goods, firms, industries, countries The concept of competitiveness is quite broad. In the economic sphere, competitiveness is usually understood as the possession of properties that create advantages for the subject of economic competition, which create an opportunity to successfully conduct such a competition and win in it. Competitiveness not only passively reflects the […]