Macroeconomic indicators of production of goods and services

The System of National Accounts (SNA) is a system of interrelated indicators and classifications used to describe and analyze macroeconomic processes in market economies. The introduction of the SNA in the Republic of Belarus is carried out on the basis of the Republican Program for the Transition to the System of Accounting and Statistics adopted […]


This first group includes: USA, Canada, all countries of Western Europe, Japan, Israel, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. Since 1995, this group includes a number of NIS: Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea. In all respects, this group could include Hong Kong (Hong Kong), a former colony of Great Britain.  Since 1997, this territory has been part […]

The concept of national product and the methodological basis for measuring it through the System of National Accounts

The national product is the result of the functioning of the country’s economy, the activities of its economic entities. The process of creation and movement of the national product can be represented in the form of closed flows of goods, services and money moving between economic entities, within a single national economic cycle, given in […]