Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company

Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the company and its external capabilities and threats is usually called SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats – respectively, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). This analysis allows you to quickly assess the strategic position of the company. The general principle states: when developing a strategy, it is necessary to […]

Currency position of banks

Banks perform operations on the purchase and sale of foreign currency both on behalf of customers and at their own expense and on their own behalf. When the bank makes independent transactions for the sale of foreign currency, the ratio of claims and liabilities of the bank in foreign currency is violated. The ratio of […]

Purchasing power parity theory

The basis of this theory is the nominalistic and quantitative theory of money. The founders of this idea were the English economists D.Yum and D. Ricardo. The latter argued that the low cost of pounds sterling led to a trade deficit: “… the export of a coin is caused by its cheapness and is not […]

Legislative bases of currency regulation in the Republic of Belarus

International settlement and monetary relations of the Republic of Belarus with countries of far and near abroad, as well as the procedure and areas of application of foreign currencies by domestic organizations, enterprises and citizens, are regulated by a number of legislative acts and instructional materials. The legislative acts and departmental instructions on currency issues […]