Resources and factors of production

The creation of material and spiritual goods and services requires resources and factors of production. What does economic theory mean by these categories? The resources of production are a set of material and financial means, natural, social and spiritual forces that can be used in the process of creating goods, services and other values. In […]

Economics and management of the region as a science: the subject, methods and tasks of the scientific discipline

In modern conditions, the role of territorial aspects of the development of economic systems is increasing both at the macro and mega levels, which is caused by socio-economic disproportions in regional development, which are particularly acute in the context of the transformational crisis associated with the transition to a market-oriented economy. The decline in production, […]

Structure of the national economy and its types

The word structure (Latin structura) means structure, location, order. The structure of the national economy is a stable quantitative and qualitative relationship between its various components. Since the national economy is a complex organism, several types of structures can be distinguished in it. The reproductive structure of the national economy is determined by the fact […]