Market equilibrium and equilibrium price

The basis of the market mechanism is the interaction of supply and demand. By bringing these concepts together, we can find out how the interaction of household decisions about buying a product and manufacturers’ decisions about selling it determines the price of a product and the amount that is actually bought and sold in the […]

Methods of accounting for scientific and technological progress

It should be considered generally recognized that over time in an enterprise that maintains a fixed number of employees and a constant amount of fixed assets, output increases. This means that in addition to the usual production factors associated with the cost of resources, there is a factor that is usually called scientific and technological […]

Structure of the national economy and its types

The word structure (Latin structura) means structure, location, order. The structure of the national economy is a stable quantitative and qualitative relationship between its various components. Since the national economy is a complex organism, several types of structures can be distinguished in it. The reproductive structure of the national economy is determined by the fact […]