Intersectoral complexes: state and possible directions of development

Like any country with a transformational economy, the Republic of Belarus today is experiencing an exceptionally difficult period of social, political and economic reorientation, the transition from a command-administrative economy to a socially-oriented economic system. At the same time, it should be pointed out that, thanks to the verified and deeply thought-out socio-economic policy of […]

Business plan: essence, types, structure

A business plan is a document containing an economic justification for the development of an enterprise, the release of new products or the implementation of other commercial ideas. A business plan combines the features of strategic and current plans. It is drawn up when creating an enterprise or at turning points of its existence, for […]

Leasing as a form of renewal of fixed assets

Currently, most enterprises in the Republic of Belarus, both new and functioning for a long time, are in dire need of modern and efficient equipment. The reason for this is the physical deterioration of a significant part of the fixed assets used in entrepreneurial activity, accelerated obsolescence, the emergence of new generations of equipment, etc. […]


Italy is a special country in Europe. This is a young and at the same time ancient state. The capital of Italy – Rome – the center of the ancient Roman Empire – is considered the oldest city in Europe. The time of its foundation is 753 BC. e. However, this is a young state, […]

Basic concepts characterizing the categories of "world economy", "regional economy", "national economy"

At the heart of the categories under consideration is the concept of “economy”, which is quite polysemantic. Economics means: 1) a historically defined set of socio-production relations (the economy of capitalism, the economy of socialism, the economy of post-industrial society, the market economy, etc.); 2) the national economy of several or separate countries, as well […]