Quantitative approach to utility and demand analysis

The starting point of the functioning of any economic system is the needs of people. Consumption is the process of satisfying needs. Good is a means of satisfying needs. There are a huge number of goods that satisfy the needs. What kind of good, and in what quantity should be produced, is determined by the […]

Features of investment activity

The investment activity of the enterprise includes the following components: investment strategy; strategic planning; investment design; analysis of projects and the actual effectiveness of investments. Investment strategy is the choice of the way of development of the enterprise for the long term with the available own sources of financing and the possibility of obtaining borrowed […]

Competitive advantages of cooperation strategies and mergers and acquisitions

Collaboration strategy and competitive advantage The globalization of the world economy, the rapid development of technologies, new opportunities in the promising markets of Asia, Latin America and Europe, the processes of deregulation and privatization in the new national economies create huge opportunities for strategic partnership policies and, on this basis, strengthening the competitiveness of companies. […]

The concept of strategy, competitive strategy

The word “strategy” comes from the Greek strategos, “the art of the general.” The military origin of the term should come as no surprise. It was strategos that allowed Alexander the Great to conquer the world [10 p.257]. In the military, this concept also means “plan to defeat the enemy”, “the art of military management”. […]