Dossier and information card of the company

Information on the company, obtained from different sources, is collected and systematized in the dossier on the company. The questions on which the material for the dossier is selected can be divided into 2 groups: 1. Issues of the general characteristics of the company, including the type of activity of the company, the nomenclature of […]

Structural factors

Inflation rate. The higher the inflation rate in the country, the lower the exchange rate of its currency, if other factors do not oppose it. Inflationary depreciation of money causes a decrease in purchasing power and a tendency to drop their exchange rate to the currencies of countries where inflation is lower. This trend is […]

Types of checks

Checks can be classified for various reasons. Consider some of them. Most checks are written to a specific recipient person or his order. According to the method of indicating the recipient of funds on the check, the following are distinguished: personal – are written out to a certain person with the reservation “not to order” […]