Fundamentals and features of denationalization and privatization of state property in the Republic of Belarus

The production of different goods or different branches of production develop unequally rapidly: some reach a high technical and technological level, while others may, for various reasons, lag behind and be at a lower level. Different levels of productive forces may correspond to different forms of ownership, even in the same country. For example, such […]

Building a model of inventory management in conditions of deterministic demand

Optimal delivery batches for single-product models The inventory management model in conditions of deterministic demand is a model where the intensity of the receipt of requirements is assumed to be known and constant over time. As is well known, in practice, demand can almost never be specified with certainty; instead, it should be described in […]

Objects of the foreign exchange market (FOREX)

Currency market objects are currency transactions and foreign exchange values. Currency transactions are a type of activity of the state, enterprises, organizations, banking and other financial and credit institutions for the sale, settlement and provision of foreign currency in a loan. Currency transactions are carried out in foreign exchange markets. In accordance with the division […]