The law of value - the economic law of commodity production

The law of value is an objective law of the development of commodity production, according to which the production and exchange of goods are carried out in accordance with value, i.e. socially necessary labor costs. It requires the reduction of individual working time to socially necessary, individual value – to social, as well as to […]

Essence, objectives and principles of planning

In a market economy, planning occupies an important place in the system of internal management. Planning is the process of developing, justifying, organizing and monitoring the implementation of plans. This is a continuous process of determining the goals and ways to achieve them, as well as assessing the possible impact of decisions on the final […]

M&A Strategy

A merger is an association of approximately equal partners, as a result of which a newly created company receives a new name. In a takeover, a larger company acquires and integrates the smaller company’s business into its structure. The distinction between mergers and acquisitions is determined by ownership, management control, and financial agreements, not by […]

The mechanism and results of intra-industry and intersectoral competition in the theory of Karl Marx

Intra-industry competition is competition between manufacturers of one industry for the most favorable conditions for the production and sale of goods. Marx considered such means of intra-industry competition as lowering the price of goods and reducing the cost of production. Intra-industry competition is complemented by cross-industry competition. They exist simultaneously, so the separation of their […]