Current Account

For practical and analytical purposes, the most important part of the balance of payments is the current account balance. The current account balance is a key concept of the international economy, showing, on the one hand, the result of the country’s interaction with the rest of the world over a certain period of time, and […]

Market equilibrium and equilibrium price

The basis of the market mechanism is the interaction of supply and demand. By bringing these concepts together, we can find out how the interaction of household decisions about buying a product and manufacturers’ decisions about selling it determines the price of a product and the amount that is actually bought and sold in the […]

The main stages of foreign trade transactions and features preparatory stage

The execution (implementation) of any foreign trade transaction consists of the following main stages: 1. Preparation for the conclusion of the contract. 2. Conclusion of the contract on certain conditions. 3. Execution of the contract: preparation of the goods for delivery, delivery of the goods to the buyer, acceptance of the goods and settlements for […]