The concept and main elements of the planning and forecasting methodology

The methodology of planning and forecasting is understood as a system of approaches, principles, indicators, methods and methods for developing and justifying forecasts and planning decisions, as well as the logic of planning and forecasting. The methodology is based on economic theory, which studies the laws and laws of the development of society, the main […]

Modern trends in the development of the world foreign exchange market

International currency markets are the most important links in the global financial system of international economic relations. The growth of currency transactions in the world takes place against the backdrop of global changes in the ratio of trade and financial transactions. In the total volume of non-cash payments, the share of payments for transactions in […]

Structure of foreign exchange market participants (FOREX)

Four main categories of entities operate in the foreign exchange market: banks and non-bank dealers trading in foreign currency; individuals and firms engaged in commercial and investment operations; arbitration officers and speculators; central banks and treasuries. Banks and non-bank dealers trading in foreign currency “make the market” both in technical and organizational terms. They make […]