Social stereotypes of economic thinking and their impact on economic behavior

Human thinking is the product of millions of years of evolution based on the struggle for existence. In the process of this fierce struggle, the organization of thinking was improved, those qualities that ensured the survival of man were fixed and reproduced. Abstract-figurative thinking, capable of operating with classes of objects, developed, the conceptual apparatus […]

Bankruptcy Prevention. Reorganization of the enterprise

Reorganization (from the Latin sanatio – treatment, recovery) is a system of measures aimed at preventing the liquidation of an enterprise due to the onset of ghosts of bankruptcy. At the same time, either the owners of the enterprise, or creditors, or other persons (including executive authorities) provide the debtor with targeted financial assistance, provide […]

Programming as a form of state regulation of the economy

Programming is the most important form of state regulation of the economy and a type of planning. Its task is to ensure the solution of the most important problems of the development of the national economy, regional, intersectoral, sectoral, scientific and technical, social, environmental and other problems. It should ensure an integrated approach and a […]

Strategic problems of the company

The purpose of this phase of the analysis is to identify strategic issues that may prevent the company from achieving success. The solution of this problem involves the generalization of the results of the analysis of the company’s position and the analysis of the industry and the competitive environment. All serious problems of the company […]