Income distribution models

Market demand is determined on the basis of decisions that are made by many individuals, based on their needs and disposable incomes. But in order to distribute funds between various needs, it is necessary to somehow compare them. As a basis for comparing different needs at the end of the nineteenth century, economists adopted utility. […]

Regional economy and regional policy

The economy of the region is understood as the integral system of management that has developed in it, the totality of all its economic and social factors, as well as the relationships between them and similar factors of other regions, which determines the level of development of productive forces and social processes in the region. […]

Conditions for the formation of the global technology market and its main segments

The world technology market is a system of economic relations in the field of exchange of scientific and technical knowledge, which can be presented both in a materialized and in a non-materialized form. The subjects of the world technology market are government agencies, research institutes and educational institutions, industrial companies and small innovative firms, as […]

The concept of "technology"

The scientific and technological revolution is extremely diverse in the set of goods and services offered on the world market. In particular, technology becomes a commodity. International UN documents interpret the concept of “technology” in two ways: on the one hand, as a set of design solutions, methods and processes for the production of goods […]