The main sociological concepts of Western economic schools in the 50s, 70s and 90s of the XX century

The emergence and formation of economic sociologists in world science was the result of a long process of sociologization of economic science throughout its development. Even A. Smith developed a theory of man and his needs, incentives for action, motivation of behavior. In a sense, the history of Western economic thought is the history of […]

T. Veblen's approach

The focus of attention of another scientist, T. Veblen (1857-1929), was a criticism of the limitations of the economic approach to consumption. Economists, he wrote, have put forward the false thesis that consumption is the ultimate goal of production, but have paid little or no attention to how consumers actually behave or what impact the […]

Spider web-like  model with delayed demand

The conceptual model of any process of price dynamics includes the interaction of three subsystems, which can be conditionally called “commodity producer”, “consumer” and “market” (Fig.7.17.). The spider-like model (model A), in which demand lags behind supply by one period: D(Pt+1)=S(Pt), also fits into the scheme of Figure 7.17. Rice. 7.17. Conceptual scheme of the […]

Competition in dynamic markets

Currently, in many industries, technologies are rapidly changing, the product life cycle is shortening, new powerful competitors are emerging, competitors are taking active competitive actions (including mergers and acquisitions to strengthen a competitive position or seize leadership), consumer requirements for goods are growing – and all this simultaneously. Due to the large amount of information, […]