Economic interest as a factor of economic behavior

In the process of conscious activity, a person masters, i.e. makes “his own”, the world around him, forming connections and relationships with the objects of this world. What, in this case, motivates the person himself, makes him be active? First of all, it is the need to satisfy material and spiritual needs with the help […]


The socio-economic and political development of Germany was greatly influenced by the peculiarities of its economic – and political – geographical location, historical development and natural resource base. Great benefits are provided to Germany by the location in the center of Europe among economically highly developed states at the intersection of trans-European highways of latitudinal […]

Currency position of banks

Banks perform operations on the purchase and sale of foreign currency both on behalf of customers and at their own expense and on their own behalf. When the bank makes independent transactions for the sale of foreign currency, the ratio of claims and liabilities of the bank in foreign currency is violated. The ratio of […]