Market and market economy

The concepts of “market” and “market economy” are not identical. As already mentioned, the market in one form or another has existed since then, since which commodity production operates. However, commodity production and the market do not always and necessarily lead to a market economy, although the latter implies a high level of market development. […]

The classical stage of the formation of economic sociology

The classical stage of the formation of economic sociology is the stage of its theoretical preparation, the formation of the initial methodology: the principles of analyzing real processes from the point of view of the relationship between the economy and society, the development of categories necessary to describe and explain these relationships. This stage (the […]

Imperfect Competition Theory

The English economist A. Pigou at the beginning of the XX century came to the conclusion that the monopolization of the economy and external effects can seriously disrupt the impact of competition on the efficiency of the economic system. The result is a discrepancy between individual and public interests, a decrease in the level of […]