Calculation of total profit by industry

The logic of calculating total profit is similar to the logic of calculating total labor costs. Based on (6.5) we can write: . Substituting the numerical values from Table 6.7 we get: From the point of view of profit, the import of agricultural products is not as profitable as the import of industrial products, since […]

The essence of international and global competition

The entry of companies into foreign markets is determined by four main reasons [15 p.212-213]: Attracting new customers. The development of foreign markets opens up opportunities for higher revenues, profits and long-term growth. This option is especially attractive in cases where the domestic market of the country is already saturated. Companies such as Cisco Systems, […]

Normative theory of the exchange rate

This theory considers the exchange rate as an additional tool for regulating the economy, offering a flexible exchange rate regime that is controlled by the state. This theory got this name because its authors believe that the exchange rate should be based on parities and agreements established by international bodies. Most ideas of the theory […]

Features of the implementation of foreign exchange transactions related to the movement of capital

Currency operations related to the movement of capital are foreign economic operations related to the export, import of goods, services, work, investments, lending, settlements on which are carried out as in the national, and foreign currency in terms exceeding 180 calendar days. Currency transaction related to capital flows include: 1. Cash investments in the authorized […]