Specificity of regional policy of Central and Eastern European countries

One of the characteristic features of the process of market reform in post-communist countries is the sharp (if not explosive) aggravation of regional disproportions, which became one of the most important factors and components of the deep socio-economic transformation crisis that was growing in these countries, the scale and duration of which exceeded all even […]

The concept of enterprise, its features and principles of organization

An enterprise is an independent economic entity that has the rights of a legal entity, which, on the basis of the use of property by the labor collective, produces and sells products, performs work, provides services. The main task of the enterprise is economic activity aimed at making a profit to meet the social and […]

Development of a competitive strategy taking into account the situation in the industry

In this topic, we will analyze the options for strategies for the most common competitive conditions: in emerging industries; in a mobile, volatile market; in a mature industry with low growth rates; in an industry at a stage of stagnation or decline; in a highly segmented industry; for companies – industry leaders; for companies pursuing […]

Forms and intensity of competition

This is one of the main characteristics of the industry and the competitive situation, without the analysis of which it is impossible to develop a full-fledged strategy. Despite the different intensity of competition in different industries, the competition itself is approximately the same, which allows a common approach for its analysis. Harvard Business School professor […]