The Subject and Structure of Modern Economic Theory

Economics is an ancient science. Its beginnings were laid in the kingdom of Babylonia in 1800 BC, when the first set of laws for the management of the state was created. Among them were the laws of economic management – the economy. In modern society, the role of economics and economic science has increased so […]


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located in the British Isles. It is the most extensive archipelago in Europe. It includes two large islands – Great Britain and Ireland, separated by the Irish Sea, and another 5 thousand small islands, among which three groups of islands in the north stand out: […]

Conditions for the formation of the global technology market and its main segments

The world technology market is a system of economic relations in the field of exchange of scientific and technical knowledge, which can be presented both in a materialized and in a non-materialized form. The subjects of the world technology market are government agencies, research institutes and educational institutions, industrial companies and small innovative firms, as […]

National wealth: essence, structure and growth factors

National wealth is one of the most important indicators of the country’s economic development, which represents the monetary expression of the totality of use values accumulated by society throughout its history as of a certain date. For the first time, national wealth was calculated by the English economist W. Petty in 1664, in France it […]