Essence and functions of property

At any historical stage of the development of society, in any economic system, questions invariably arise: who is the master in the economy? Who owns the means of production and the goods created? Who has the economic power? The answers to these and similar questions should be sought in one property or another. Property has […]

Models of private economic equilibrium. Spider web market model

Spider-like model of market price dynamics. Assumptions and main components of the model All the theoretical constructions presented in this work are based on the assumption that the perfect nature of competition is that all households and enterprises act in accordance with market prices. In other words, we are talking about a parametric pricing system. […]

Structure of the national economy and its types

The word structure (Latin structura) means structure, location, order. The structure of the national economy is a stable quantitative and qualitative relationship between its various components. Since the national economy is a complex organism, several types of structures can be distinguished in it. The reproductive structure of the national economy is determined by the fact […]