Production efficiency: concepts, indicators, ways and factors of improvement

At all stages of historical development, society has always been interested in the question: at what cost the final production result is achieved. We found the answer to this question in terms of the efficiency of production, the efficiency of social production. In modern conditions, the efficiency of foreign economic relations and the world economy […]

Solving the Dual Linear Programming Problem

Earlier we considered the direct problem of linear programming: In the system of inequalities, there should be the same type of signs “less than or equal”. Therefore, multiply the inequality by –1 and change the inequality sign to the opposite. Limiting the integer number of variables is not required here. The solution of the direct […]

Natural resource potential of the regions, its economic assessment and management

Determining the conditions, factors and prerequisites for the sustainable development of the region is largely related to the assessment of its natural resource (environmental) potential. The value of the natural resource potential, as the sum of the potentials of individual types of natural resources (land, water, forest, mineral resources, etc.) depends on such factors as: […]

Features of the global technology market

The world technology market is a system of economic relations in the field of exchange of scientific and technical knowledge, which can be presented both in materialized and non-materialized form. The subjects of the world technology market are government agencies, research institutes and educational institutions, industrial companies and small innovative firms, as well as individuals […]