Fundamentals and features of denationalization and privatization of state property in the Republic of Belarus

The production of different goods or different branches of production develop unequally rapidly: some reach a high technical and technological level, while others may, for various reasons, lag behind and be at a lower level. Different levels of productive forces may correspond to different forms of ownership, even in the same country. For example, such […]

Subjects of the economic system

An economic system does not exist outside of human society, so there are many subjects operating in it. The subjects of the economic system are the participants who function in this system, whose needs, interests and goals are realized in it. Since there are many subjects, but certain of them have close or unambiguous functions […]


The formation and formation of the modern model of economic development of Canada was preceded by a number of historical, political and socio-economic events in the life of the state, which, in turn, predetermined the development strategy of a highly developed state. The period 1980-1985 can be called  The Canadian “Reaganomics”, characterized as the promotion […]


Italy has the largest public sector of all developed countries. Until now, up to 50% of the economy and 70% of the country’s banking system has been under state control. Italy has one of the highest indicators of GDP production by the public sector among developed countries and the share of state-owned enterprises in the […]

Territory and geopolitical position of Belarus

The territory of the country, as one of the main elements of its economy, includes land, its subsoil, natural resources. The economic and geographical concept of “territory” considers the entire set of factors of production. The territory of Belarus in the twentieth century, due to political and military upheavals, changed as follows: 1921 –52.3 thousand […]