The interaction between supply and demand and the functioning of the price mechanism occur in the market in conditions of competition between buyers and between sellers. Competition (translated from Latin means “to converge”, “to collide”) is an economic rivalry, the competitiveness of isolated commodity producers and consumers for obtaining maximum income. A. Smith figuratively called […]
Tag: region
Simplex method for solving optimization problems of linear programming
The simplex method is a computational procedure based on the principle of sequential improvement of solutions during the transition from one base point (basic solution) to another. This improves the value of the objective function. The basic solution is one of the valid solutions that are at the vertices of the realm of valid values. […]
Incomes of the population and mechanisms of their distribution
The total incomes of the population, their level, structure, methods of obtaining and differentiation are indicators of the economic and social well-being of society. Their distribution has a pronounced socio-political coloring, predetermining property and social differentiation. The traditional dispute between proponents and opponents of government regulation in the area of distribution boils down to the […]