Basic concepts, meaning and organizational forms of investment and innovation policy in the regions

Sustainable development of the regions, increasing their economic and social potential are largely predetermined by the state of investment and innovation activities in the regions. At the same time, innovation activities are understood as activities aimed at the practical implementation of the results of research and development that increase the efficiency of methods and means […]

Local budgets and inter-budgetary relations as a factor of regional development

The economic basis of local government and self-government is made up of local budgets (regional, district, city, settlement budgets and budgets of village councils). In total, there are more than 1660 local budgets in the Republic of Belarus. The totality of the budgets of the corresponding administrative-territorial unit is the consolidated budget of the region […]

Calculation of the marginal costs of the intermediate product when increasing the export of agricultural products

Next, let’s put the question as follows: what should be the gross outputs of industries next year, if it is planned to get rid of the predominance of imports of agricultural products, i.e. production is planned to be increased so that the KP for the industry would become zero. The system of equations for solving […]

Basic concepts characterizing the categories of "world economy", "regional economy", "national economy"

At the heart of the categories under consideration is the concept of “economy”, which is quite polysemantic. Economics means: 1) a historically defined set of socio-production relations (the economy of capitalism, the economy of socialism, the economy of post-industrial society, the market economy, etc.); 2) the national economy of several or separate countries, as well […]