Gross national disposable income account

The purpose of this account is to show how national disposable income is used at the economic level for final consumption and savings; at the sector level – like DHS, OSU and non-profit organizations serving DH, distribute their disposable income between final consumption expenditures and savings. The resource part of the account for the economy […]

Price changes and compensation

The problem of compensation by increasing consumer income arises in all cases where there is an increase in the prices of one or more of the goods consumed. Different approaches to solving this problem are possible. The most direct of them uses the concept of the demand function in a fairly general form and relies […]


The United States of America is the world’s leading power, the main stabilizer and locomotive of the world economy. The main feature of the American economy is that it leads in the implementation of the results of scientific and technological progress in production, in the export of licenses for its discoveries, inventions, which creates the […]


The Republic of Belarus, according to its natural conditions, belongs to the average geographical zone of the CIS in terms of water availability. There are more than 10 thousand lakes and reservoirs in Belarus, the total volume of water in which is about 6 billion m3, and 20.8 thousand rivers with a total length of […]