The twentieth century unfolded before economists such a large-scale panorama of grandiose changes in the socio-economic life of the planet that their comprehension will require a lot of time and intellectual energy from scientists. Among the most important trends in modern socio-economic development, it is necessary to name such seemingly opposite in meaning, but at […]
Tag: Object
Calculation of the number of employees of the enterprise
Determining the need for labor resources includes the calculation of the number both in the enterprise as a whole and in the categories of industrial and production personnel, the definition of additional need and sources of its coverage. The number of employees in the enterprise as a whole is determined enlarged, based on the volume […]
Characteristics of the main elements of the monetary system
Currency content The basis of the national currency system is the national currency – the monetary unit of the state established by law. International settlements usually use foreign currency – banknotes in the form of banknotes, treasury tickets and coins in circulation and which are a legal means of payment in the territory of the […]
Leasing as a method of lending to foreign economic activity
Leasing is a long-term rental of machinery and equipment, vehicles, a way to finance investments, alternative to bank lending, and boost sales. This form of lending has been used since the 50s. In the 60-70s, multinational leasing companies arose. Such companies provide companies with equipment, ships, aircraft, etc. for rent for a period of 3 […]