Methods of accounting for scientific and technological progress

It should be considered generally recognized that over time in an enterprise that maintains a fixed number of employees and a constant amount of fixed assets, output increases. This means that in addition to the usual production factors associated with the cost of resources, there is a factor that is usually called scientific and technological […]

Regional economy and regional policy

The economy of the region is understood as the integral system of management that has developed in it, the totality of all its economic and social factors, as well as the relationships between them and similar factors of other regions, which determines the level of development of productive forces and social processes in the region. […]

M&A Strategy

A merger is an association of approximately equal partners, as a result of which a newly created company receives a new name. In a takeover, a larger company acquires and integrates the smaller company’s business into its structure. The distinction between mergers and acquisitions is determined by ownership, management control, and financial agreements, not by […]