Essence and types of investments

A necessary condition for the successful functioning and dynamic development of the enterprise is investment. Investments are all types of property and intellectual values invested in objects of entrepreneurial and other activities, as a result of which a profit (income) is formed or a social effect is achieved. The purpose of investment investments is to […]

International technical assistance

A type of international technology transfer is international technical assistance, the programs of which have been widely implemented by the world community since the late 1970s. These programmes, implemented on a two- or multilateral basis, are designed to provide technical assistance to developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the areas of technological […]

Economic feasibility of importing technologies

By importing new technologies, the buyer usually achieves significant savings in money and time in comparison with independent developments in this area. Large-scale research and development-This work is costly, time-consuming, and the expected results are not always certain. Therefore, it is often easier to buy than to make it yourself. By acquiring new technologies, the […]

The theory of competition of the Austrian school of neoliberals. Functions of competition according to F. Hayek

Representatives of the neo-Austrian school L. Mises and F. Hayek refused to recognize the equilibrium approach as the main method of analyzing economic phenomena, and the search for equilibrium conditions – the main task of economic theory. In Hayek’s views on competition, the most interesting are: comparative characteristics of the competitive mechanism and the mechanism […]

The Protection of Monopoly in the Theories of J. Schumpeter and D.C. Galbraith

At the beginning of the XX century, the Austrian economist I. Schumpeter showed that a monopoly can be a good for society. Under certain conditions, there can be an effective monopoly and effective competition. These ideas are set forth in his works: “Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy”, “Theory of Economic Development”, etc. I. Schumpeter believed that […]