Other investments

All other types of international capital flows shown in the financial account of the balance of payments belong to the group of other investments and are classified first by type of financial instrument, and then by sector of the domestic economy. Other investments (other investments) are all other international investments not included in direct and […]

Price changes and compensation

The problem of compensation by increasing consumer income arises in all cases where there is an increase in the prices of one or more of the goods consumed. Different approaches to solving this problem are possible. The most direct of them uses the concept of the demand function in a fairly general form and relies […]

Cartoon model

The method of determining the seasonal component (in relation to the multiplicative model, it is often called the seasonality index) is in many respects similar to the additive model. As in the previous case, centered moving averages are determined and seasonal deviations are found with their help. But unlike the additive model, seasonal deviations are […]

The content of the international settlement system

The need for international settlements is caused by the presence of financial obligations of various nature arising in the process of implementing numerous forms of foreign economic relations, as well as foreign trade transactions between foreign partners. The conduct of financial transactions and the procedure for their execution is largely determined and depends on international […]