Essence, functions and pricing system

In economic science, there are two diametrically opposed approaches to determining the essence and size of the price of goods. The first is represented by the classical concept of pricing, based on the labor theory of value, according to which each commodity has a “value” and a “price”. Value is the socially necessary labor costs […]

The concept and main elements of the mechanism of market functioning

Starting to consider this issue, it is necessary to emphasize that the modern economy is a numerous constant flows of goods and services moving towards each other from the most remote points of national economies and the world community. And only the market connects the producers of these goods and services, who communicate in the […]

M. Weber's approach

The German economic historian and sociologist M. Weber (1864–1920) focused on the influence of three institutions—politics, ethics, and religion—on the development of the economy of capitalism. From the standpoint of the cultural approach of M. Weber, these institutions form the basis of social mechanisms that regulate the development of economic life. It is they who […]

Financial resources of the regions

Relations between economic entities, regions, countries are built through a system of finance (international, state, regional, at the level of specific enterprises). In the most general sense, the category of “finance” means a system of economic relations expressing the formation and use of funds in the process of economic turnover of an enterprise, region, country. […]

Search and selection of experts

The composition of experts involved in forecasting is a key parameter determining the quality of the future forecast, for this selection of experts it is necessary to pay close attention. It is possible to identify the initial circle of persons who are potential candidates for experts by publications, since authors writing about the object of […]