The second stage in the development of sociology

The second stage in the development of sociology (it lasted until the early 80s) is characterized by the rapid deployment of various studies in the country and the republic, the vast majority of which were conducted at the “junction” of economics and sociology. These are studies of labor mobility (turnover, migration, intersectoral movements), the attitude […]

Income accounts

Income accounts are central to the SNA, they link the result of the production of products and services with the formation of income and capital formation, with the change in financial assets and liabilities, with the accumulation of national wealth.


The formation and formation of the modern model of economic development of Canada was preceded by a number of historical, political and socio-economic events in the life of the state, which, in turn, predetermined the development strategy of a highly developed state. The period 1980-1985 can be called  The Canadian “Reaganomics”, characterized as the promotion […]

Fundamental approaches and principles of forecasting

Objectivity and knowability of socio-economic processes serve as the theoretical foundation of forecasting. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of real socio-economic processes, the identification of objective conditions, factors and trends in their development, forecasting is based on both general scientific and specific approaches and fundamental principles. Among the general approaches are the following. […]

The Mechanism for Achieving Macroeconomic Equilibrium with the Help of the Keynes Cross

To avoid significant losses from the decline in production, an active state policy is needed to regulate aggregate demand. Therefore, Keynesian economic theory is often called the theory of aggregate demand. Actual investments include both planned and unplanned investments. The latter are unforeseen changes in investments in inventories (TMZ). These unplanned investments function as a […]