Signs of bankruptcy

The financial position of the enterprise depends on the results of its production, commercial and financial activities. Uninterrupted production and sale of high-quality products have a positive effect on the financial condition of the enterprise. Failures in the production process, deterioration of product quality, difficulties in its implementation lead to a decrease in funds on […]

Bankruptcy: the concept, causes and factors causing it

Bankruptcy is the insolvency of the debtor, which has or acquires a stable character, recognized by the economic court or lawfully declared by the debtor. In economically developed countries, bankruptcy is considered as a normal phenomenon of economic life. It is designed to play a crucial role in the system of functioning of the economy […]

Conditions for the formation of the global technology market and its main segments

The world technology market is a system of economic relations in the field of exchange of scientific and technical knowledge, which can be presented both in a materialized and in a non-materialized form. The subjects of the world technology market are government agencies, research institutes and educational institutions, industrial companies and small innovative firms, as […]