Demand: concept, factors, elasticity

Demand is a monetary form of expressing a need, i.e. it is the amount of goods and services that buyers are willing and able to (willingly) buy at some price over a period of time. The amount of demand depends on various factors: prices for goods, incomes and tastes of buyers, the number of buyers, […]

Determination of national income. Graphics

Let us consider how it is possible to display and study the main elements of the mechanism for determining national income, based on the principle of effective demand, with the help of graphs. Somewhat simplifying, the principle of effective demand refers to the provision according to which, for sufficiently short periods of time at which […]

Types of planning

Plans as an expression of the results of planning should form a pyramidal structure in the aggregate, have a concentrated, differentiated by levels of management informativeness, be divided by development time (short-term, medium-term and long-term). The planning model from the point of view of its subject consists of separate planning complexes or sections of the […]