Fuel and Energy Complex

The fuel and energy complex (FEC) is an intersectoral system that includes the extraction, processing of various types of fuel and energy production, their transportation, distribution and consumption. The fuel and energy complex includes the following enterprises: main (fuel and energy industries); auxiliary (specialized engineering and transport); servicing (specialized construction and installation, repair and other […]

Planning and forecasting of scientific and innovative activities

The basis for making state decisions in the scientific and technical sphere is planning and forecasting. Forecasting the development of science and technology in the republic is carried out through a system of private forecasts (on the most important problems of socio-economic, scientific-technical and structural-investment policy) and through a comprehensive forecast of scientific and technological […]

Features of monetary policy in the Republic of Belarus

The main goal of the monetary policy of the Republic of Belarus is to promote the development of all sectors of the economy, to ensure the internal and external stability of the national currency. The programme for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 2001-2005 provides for enhancing the role of the banking […]