Завершающую группу счетов доходов представляют счета использования доходов. Они делятся на два счета: счет использования располагаемого дохода и счет использования скорректированного располагаемого дохода. В первом из этих счетов отражаются расходы на конечное потребление. А также величина сбережений. Однако расходы на потребление и фактическое потребление не одно и тоже. Фактическое потребление в секторах ДХ, ОГУ отличается […]
Tag: balances
Bankruptcy Prevention. Reorganization of the enterprise
Reorganization (from the Latin sanatio – treatment, recovery) is a system of measures aimed at preventing the liquidation of an enterprise due to the onset of ghosts of bankruptcy. At the same time, either the owners of the enterprise, or creditors, or other persons (including executive authorities) provide the debtor with targeted financial assistance, provide […]
Instruments of foreign trade policy
Trade policy methods are divided into tariff and non-tariff. A customs tariff is a set of customs duty rates applied to goods crossing the border of a state. Customs duties – a) taxes levied by the state on goods at the time they cross borders for protectionist or fiscal purposes; b) the levy levied on […]
Normative theory of the exchange rate
This theory considers the exchange rate as an additional tool for regulating the economy, offering a flexible exchange rate regime that is controlled by the state. This theory got this name because its authors believe that the exchange rate should be based on parities and agreements established by international bodies. Most ideas of the theory […]