Calculation of the number of employees of the enterprise

Determining the need for labor resources includes the calculation of the number both in the enterprise as a whole and in the categories of industrial and production personnel, the definition of additional need and sources of its coverage.

The number of employees in the enterprise as a whole is determined enlarged, based on the volume of production (QPL) and labor productivity in the planning period (PTPL) or differentiated by categories of industrial and production personnel.

Planning the number of personnel is based on the establishment of the dependence of the number of personnel and the main economic indicators of the enterprise. The main ones are the volume of production and labor productivity. Determining the planned number of personnel (RPL) is carried out according to the following formula:

Rpl = RB * Ko + (-) E or RPL = Qpl / PTpl,

where: RPL – the planned number of personnel in the calculation period, people;

RB – the actual number of personnel in the base period, people;

Co – the index of change in the volume of production;

E – change in the number due to an increase in labor productivity, people.

As a basis, a calendar period is chosen, the same name and preceding the planned one, for which all the indicators necessary for calculation are known.

The index of change in the volume of production can be determined on the basis of cost and natural indicators of the volume of production.

As can be seen from the above formula, the number of personnel changes in direct proportion to the change in the volume of production and inversely proportional to the change in labor productivity. That is, an increase in the volume of production leads to an increase in the number of personnel, and an increase in labor productivity leads to a decrease.

The above calculation method is used in cases where the enterprise operates in conditions of stable development and a stable economic system. Under these conditions, according to the above formula, it is possible to plan the number of industrial and production personnel of the enterprise as a whole, or the number of employees of certain categories of PPPs, as a rule, workers. In some cases, it is possible to plan the number of smaller groups of specialists in this way, for example, the number of workshop personnel.

A detailed calculation of the number of personnel by category is made according to the indicators of the labor intensity of the production program, production standards, the number of jobs, service standards and manageability standards.

To determine the number of employees, a balance of working time is preliminarily drawn up for each group of workers who have one work schedule and an equal duration of regular vacations. It is developed taking into account the mode of operation of the enterprise and the planned loss of working time. An example of working time balance is presented in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1.

Balance of working hours of average scheduled workers



1. Calendar fund of time, days

2. Number of days off and holidays

3. Nominal fund of working time, days

4. Planned absences, total


due to illness; another vacation; maternity leave; study leave; other non-withdrawals provided for in the collective agreement

5.Effective fund of working time, days

6. Average working day, hour

7. Effective fund of working time, hour

Determination of the number of workers by occupational groups (CRJ) on the basis of the labor intensity of products, work performed and services rendered is carried out according to the following formula:

Ch pj = Tpj / Tej / Kvnj,

where TPJ is the labor intensity of the production program for the j-th type of work for the calculation period, norm-hour;

Tej – effective fund of working time of one employee of the j-th profession for the calculation period, hour;

Kvnj is the average coefficient of fulfillment of norms by workers of the j-th profession.

The labor intensity of the production program for the calculation period is determined on the basis of the existing time norms for individual works and the planned volume of work in kind.

According to this methodology, the planned number, as a rule, of the main workers, in single and serial production, of individual specialties of auxiliary workers is determined.

The calculation of the number of workers according to the norms of production is carried out according to the formula:

Cr = Q / H / Qn / Kvn,

where: Q – the planned volume of work in physical terms (pcs., tn., l. m2), Vn – the rate of production in the planning period, pcs./person.

This method of determining the number of workers is used in the internal production units of the enterprise that produce homogeneous products.

The calculation of the number of personnel by the number of available jobs is used in cases where the work of personnel is not standardized and does not depend on objectively measured parameters. To determine the planned number of personnel, the following formula is used:

Cr = M * Ksm * Ksp,

where: M is the number of jobs;

Kcm – coefficient of shift work of workplaces;

KSP is the coefficient of the list composition, defined as the ratio of the nominal fund of working time in days to the actual number of working days.

A similar method is used to plan the number of main workers in in-line production, individual specialties of auxiliary workers, for example, duty specialists and, in some cases, managers, for example, line managers of production units (shops and sections, shift managers).

Planning the number of personnel according to service standards is carried out according to the following formula:

Cr = Ob *Ksm *Ksp / But,

where: Ob – the number of serviced objects;

But – the norm of service, the number of objects simultaneously serviced by one specialist.

Thus, the number of main workers in highly automated production with multi-machine operation is determined; auxiliary workers (adjusters, locksmiths – repairmen, cleaners, etc.).

The number of main workers serving an automated process or complex unit is determined by the formula:

H = Ag * Nob * Kcm * Ksp,

where: Ag is the number of units;

Nob is the norm of service, i.e. the number of workers serving one unit, people.

Planning the number of managers, specialists and other employees is carried out on the basis of a standard enterprise management scheme and manageability standards. Calculations are made for each management function, based on the most important factors affecting the amount of work associated with the performance of a particular function. Standards are also developed for certain types of work (accounting, graphic, computing, etc.) for the positions of specialists and employees (designers, technologists, accountants). Then the staffing table is drawn up, which reflects the specifics of the management of the enterprise.

The total number of employees is determined by summing up the number of industrial and production personnel for all categories.

In the practice of personnel accounting and planning, there are emergency, list and medium-list compositions.

Turnout determines the number of employees who must go to work in the planning period. The list includes all employees enrolled in the enterprise, both those who have come to work and are on business trips, vacations, engaged in the performance of state duties, absent due to illness. The list number of employees is constantly changing due to their admission and dismissal and can only be determined on a specific date. Therefore, in order to determine the number of employees for a certain period (month, quarter, year), the average number of employees is calculated by dividing the amount of the list composition for all days of the month (including holidays and weekends) by the number of calendar days in the month. The average number of employees per quarter (year) is defined as the sum of the average monthly number for the period under consideration, divided by the number of months.

One of the quantitative indicators characterizing the personnel of the enterprise and its movement is the turnover of personnel, which is determined by the formula:

Tk = (Chp – Chu) * 100 / Chsr,

where: Pep – the number of employees and persons admitted during the planning period;

Chu – the number of employees dismissed during the planning period, people;

CSR – average number of personnel for the planning period, persons.

High staff turnover leads to large losses of working time and indicates weak motivation of personnel, dissatisfaction of employees with working conditions, and low turnover slows down the arrival of new employees who meet the requirements of modern production.