Indicators of efficiency of use of fixed assets

There are general and particular indicators of the use of fixed assets (Fig.2.2.). Common indicators include return on capital, capital intensity, profitability of funds. To the private – indicators of the use of equipment and production areas.

Each indicator characterizes individual aspects of the use of fixed assets.

The return on capital shows how much marketable products fall on one ruble of fixed production assets. It is determined by the formula:

Fo = Qtp / FSG,

where:  QTP – the volume of production of marketable products, in rubles;

FSG is the average annual cost of fixed production assets.

The higher the return on capital, the more efficiently fixed assets are used.

Capital intensity is an indicator of the inverse of the return on capital. Shows how many production assets account for one ruble of marketable products. It is determined by the formula:

The lower the capital intensity, the more efficiently the main production assets are used.

Profitability of production characterizes the amount of balance profit per ruble of production assets. It is determined by the formula:

where: PB – balance sheet profit; Fos is the annual value of the company’s working capital.

The higher the profitability of production, the more efficiently fixed assets are used.

Indicators of equipment utilization include coefficients of extensive and intensive use of equipment, integral coefficient and shift coefficient.

The coefficient of extensive use of equipment characterizes the use of equipment by time. It is determined by the formula:


where: Tf, Te is respectively the actual and effective fund of the operating time of the equipment.

The coefficient of intensive use of equipment characterizes the use of equipment by power. It is determined by the ratio of the actual volume of production (QTP) to the maximum possible (Qmax):

The integral load factor of the equipment characterizes the overall use of the equipment. It is determined by the product of the coefficients of extensive and intensive use of equipment:

Kint = Ke * Ki.

The coefficient of change of operation of the equipment is determined by the formula:


where: N1, N2, N3 – respectively, the amount of equipment operating in the first, second and third shifts;

Neust – total number of installed equipment.

Indicators of the use of production space include the removal of products from one meter of square production area and the production area per unit of installed equipment.

Removal of products from m2 of production area is determined by the formula:

S pr = Qtp / Fpr,

where Fpr is the production area of the enterprise, m2.

The production area per machine is determined by the ratio:

F pr1 = Fpr / Noust.

This indicator is compared with the normative value (Fn). If the actual value of the indicator is greater than the normative one, then this indicates an inefficient use of the production area.