Factors in the development of international economic relations

The formation and development of IER is due to the presence of a number of objective prerequisites at the national and international levels.

The prerequisites for the development of IER at the national level include:

transition from natural type of management to commodity production; approval of commodity-money relations in order to maximize profits; a qualitative leap in the development of productive forces in the course of the industrial revolution, which made it possible to move to mass production of goods in excess of domestic national needs.

The prerequisites for the development of IER at the international level include:

the uneven distribution of natural and acquired factors of production among countries, which underlies the international division of labour; awareness by peoples of the economic benefits of world economic relations for the growth of the well-being of the nation as a whole; creation of wind farm infrastructure (railways, means of communication, transport, etc.) on the basis of NTP.

The factors that had the most serious impact on the formation and development of IER include:

STP, which increased the volume and expanded the range of international exchange, involved in the sphere of world economic relations the exchange of services and technologies, ensured the continuous functioning of the world market, simplified the processes of labor migration; The aggravation of global problems (environmental, raw materials, energy, food, demographic, etc.) has intensified international cooperation in the field of research, joint development of the bowels of the Earth and the World Ocean, environmental protection, etc.; Liberalization of foreign economic policy of almost all countries of the world, especially clearly manifested in the last 50 years and expressed in the weakening of tariff and non-tariff regulation of foreign trade, improving the investment climate in many countries, mitigating national migration policy; Changes in the system of the international division of labor (MRI): the role and place of the country in the MRI is now less and less dependent on its natural and climatic resources and geographical location and increasingly on “acquired resources” (technology, capital, quality of the workforce) and cooperation with international corporations. This has changed the geographical flows of goods and services in the world economy: industrialized countries have become world food exporters, and machinery, clothing, footwear and other manufactured goods are increasingly exported from developing countries; Regional economic integration processes involving all contingents without exception; The growing importance of international corporations, which in modern conditions play a decisive strategic role in the development of the forms and the entire IER system, its geographical configuration; Creation and continuous improvement of the system of global and regional regulation of IER as a response to the emerging problems of their development, which made it possible to create a common regulatory and legal framework for the functioning of world economic relations for all countries in the form of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods, the Ottawa Convention on International Financial Leases, etc .; The formation of a worldwide infrastructure of IER, including worldwide networks of transport, communications, global information networks, which significantly accelerates the practical implementation of world economic relations, gives rise to new ways of their implementation (conclusion of international commodity transactions on the Internet, purchase and sale of goods and services on international commodity exchanges, auctions, almost immediate implementation of international settlements); Political factors: the collapse of the colonial system of imperialism, the USSR, Comecon, the unification of Germany, etc.