Planning and forecasting of agro-industrial complex

In the system of measures regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex, a special place is given to planning, forecasting and programming. Plans, forecasts and programs reflect the goals, objectives and directions of development of the agro-industrial complex and its components, its subcomplexes, the solution of the most important problems, the main parameters characterizing the […]

Planning and forecasting of industries

In the system of state regulation of industry, forecasting, planning and programming occupy a central place. Forecasting the industry allows you to determine the main directions of its development with the allocation of the main aspects of activity: the development of the technical base of production, the organizational and technical level of production, the need […]

Small Business Planning and Forecasting

The most important forms of state regulation of small business are planning, programming and forecasting, through which state policy for the development of this sphere is implemented. Annual forecasts of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus necessarily reflect the main directions of development of small business for the coming period. State policy in the […]

Planning and forecasting of investment activities

Forecasting and planning of investments occupies a special place in the system of state regulation of investment activities. Investment forecasting is carried out for long-, medium- and short-term periods at the level of the country as a whole, at the level of individual regions and industries, spheres, complexes, enterprises, firms, etc. The main stages of […]

Planning and forecasting of scientific and innovative activities

The basis for making state decisions in the scientific and technical sphere is planning and forecasting. Forecasting the development of science and technology in the republic is carried out through a system of private forecasts (on the most important problems of socio-economic, scientific-technical and structural-investment policy) and through a comprehensive forecast of scientific and technological […]