Types and models of economic growth

The ratio between the growth rate of the product and the change in the volume of factors of production may be different depending on the type of economic growth. In theoretical terms, two main types of economic growth can be distinguished: extensive and intensive. With an extensive type of economic growth, the expansion of the […]

The essence of production and its relationship with needs

At whatever stage of historical development human society would be, people, in order to live, must have food, clothing, housing and other material benefits. The means of subsistence necessary for  man must be produced. Their manufacture is carried out in the production process. That is why production is an objective necessity. So what is manufacturing? […]

Business plan: essence, types, structure

A business plan is a document containing an economic justification for the development of an enterprise, the release of new products or the implementation of other commercial ideas. A business plan combines the features of strategic and current plans. It is drawn up when creating an enterprise or at turning points of its existence, for […]

Market: essence, functions, forms

Market: 1) place of purchase and sale of goods and services, conclusion of trade transactions; 2) economic relations related to the exchange of goods and services, as a result of which demand, supply and price are formed. The structure of the markets is extremely diverse. According to the type of goods sold, markets of raw […]