Principles and methods of zoning and administrative-territorial division of the country

Successful management of any large territory is impossible without its zoning, or administrative-territorial division, i.e. dismemberment of this territory into its component parts. The problems of zoning are especially relevant for states that have a vast territory, diverse natural conditions, and a large potential of productive forces. Among these states, first of all, include Russia, […]


The socio-economic and political development of Germany was greatly influenced by the peculiarities of its economic – and political – geographical location, historical development and natural resource base. Great benefits are provided to Germany by the location in the center of Europe among economically highly developed states at the intersection of trans-European highways of latitudinal […]

The concept of globalization. Factors in the development of globalization

The consequence of the development in breadth and depth of the processes of the international division of labor was, in particular, the increase in economic interdependence in the world economy at the micro level – between enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity, as well as at the macro level – between national economies. The globalization […]