Current Account

For practical and analytical purposes, the most important part of the balance of payments is the current account balance. The current account balance is a key concept of the international economy, showing, on the one hand, the result of the country’s interaction with the rest of the world over a certain period of time, and […]

Счета использования доходов

Завершающую группу счетов доходов представляют счета использования доходов. Они делятся на два счета: счет использования располагаемого дохода и счет использования скорректированного располагаемого дохода. В первом из этих счетов отражаются расходы на конечное потребление. А также величина сбережений. Однако расходы на потребление и фактическое потребление не одно и тоже. Фактическое потребление в секторах ДХ, ОГУ отличается […]

Specifics of regional policy in the Baltic States

The experience of the formation and implementation of regional policy in the Baltic States deserves special attention, since it has common features characteristic of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and at the same time is associated with a persistent departure from the system of state power and administration of the Soviet type. Since […]

Instruments of foreign trade policy

Trade policy methods are divided into tariff and non-tariff. A customs tariff is a set of customs duty rates applied to goods crossing the border of a state. Customs duties – a) taxes levied by the state on goods at the time they cross borders for protectionist or fiscal purposes; b) the levy levied on […]

Summary of basic terms of delivery according to INCOTERMS-2000

The following are the basic terms of delivery, as interpreted by INCOTERMS-2000. 1. Franko Zavod (… place name). EXW – Ex Works (… named place). This term means that the seller has fulfilled his obligations to deliver the goods when he made them available to the buyer at his place or in another named place […]