Market type of economic system: market economy of perfect and imperfect form

Real life is always difficult to fit into the rigid framework of the scheme. Classification is a complex matter of science. Life often “confuses” it, making its own adjustments. Given this, scientific thought is not limited to the development of types, but is also engaged in the study of subtypes (species), which actually represent each […]

Classification of enterprises

Enterprises can be classified according to many characteristics (Table 1.1.). Table 1.1. General classification of enterprises Classification feature Type of enterprise By form of ownership Public, private By organizational and legal-in uniform Business companies, economic partnerships, production cooperatives, unitary enterprises By industry affiliation Industrial, transport, trade, communication enterprises, agricultural By size Large, medium and small […]

Theory of Comparative Advantage

From the theory of A. Smith it followed that the factors of production have absolute mobility within the country and move to those regions where they receive the greatest advantage. However, after some time, the advantage of some regions over others may disappear, therefore, trade will also stop. David Ricardo developed the theory of absolute […]