Indicators of income use and accumulation

After the redistribution of income, the process of their use is carried out, which is characterized by indicators of expenditure on final consumption, actual final consumption of goods and services, gross and net savings, gross accumulation and consumption of fixed capital, changes in stocks of values, land and other capital transfers, changes in net worth […]

The main stages of the evolution of the world economy

The world economy was basically formed by the end of the nineteenth century, when almost all countries and territories joined the international exchange. This is due to the fact that the last third of the nineteenth century was marked by major technical shifts, the growth of industry and its concentration. In metallurgy, new methods of […]

The world community and the various groups of its constituent states

Structuring the world economy on socio-economic grounds involves the allocation of various groups of its constituent states in the world community. Signs, criteria for the gradation of states may be different. For example, in the 90s of the twentieth century. more often than others, the breakdown of countries proposed by the UN Economic and Social […]