Economic system of society

Basic concepts included in the training testing system: economic system; functions of economic systems; properties of economic systems; productive forces; economic relations; industrial relations; the driving forces of the economic system; economic interest; branch economic sciences; shift economy; subjects of the economic system; the main types of economic systems. Development of economic systems and its […]

Methods and tools of influence on the development of regions

The characterization of a regional policy would be incomplete without a description of the methods and tools by which it is implemented. Methods and tools for implementing regional policy are a set, an arsenal of means and levers of influence of national and local authorities on the development of regions. There are three main groups […]

Currency restrictions as an element of the currency system

Currency restrictions are legislative or administrative prohibition, limitation and regulation of operations of residents and non-residents with currency and other currency values. The objectives of currency restrictions are: balance of payments alignment; maintaining the exchange rate; concentration of currency values in the state. The main principles of currency restrictions are: centralization of foreign exchange operations […]