The concept and main elements of the mechanism of market functioning

Starting to consider this issue, it is necessary to emphasize that the modern economy is a numerous constant flows of goods and services moving towards each other from the most remote points of national economies and the world community. And only the market connects the producers of these goods and services, who communicate in the […]

Functions of economic theory

Studying economic phenomena and processes, laws and patterns of their course and development, the mechanism of management, economic theory performs three main functions. First, it is a cognitive function. It means that economic theory as a science serves people to learn complex, largely interdependent and intertwined processes of economic development, indistinguishable to superficial observation, to […]

Primary Income Distribution Account

(current prices, billion rubles) 1989 1990s 1991 1992 1993 1994   Resources Gross profit and gross mixed earnings Remuneration of employees Workers Taxes on production and imports Production and import subsidies (-) Income from property derived from the “rest of the world” 231,8 267 139 64,8 … 253,6 314,4 147,1 70,9 … 725,6 610,9 152 […]

The need and problems of territorial decentralization of management of the foreign economic sphere

The world economy at the present stage of development is characterized by a wide variety of forms of international cooperation, which is accompanied by the emergence of new subjects of these relations. Among the latter, regions are becoming increasingly noticeable as independent participants in world economic relations. Obviously, this phenomenon requires deep scientific understanding, since […]

Sources of formation of working capital of the enterprise

According to the source of formation, working capital is divided into own, borrowed and attracted. The source of formation of own working capital is the authorized capital or authorized capital. Part of the funds invested by the founders in these funds is directed to cover the constant need for the minimum necessary production stocks of […]