Income accounts

Income accounts are central to the SNA, they link the result of the production of products and services with the formation of income and capital formation, with the change in financial assets and liabilities, with the accumulation of national wealth.

Geometric interpretation of optimization problems of linear programming

Suppose it is necessary to find the  optimal plan for the production of two types of products (x1 and x2), i.e. such a plan in which the target function (total profit) would be maximum, and the available resources would be used in the best way. The task conditions are shown in the table: Type of […]


Germany is one of the most economically developed countries in the world. In the modern borders, Germany was formed in 1990 of the  twentieth century as a result of the unification of two states – the FRG and the GDR. Legally, this was formalized as the entry into the FRG of five lands recreated on […]


This group can include the republics of the former Soviet Union, as well as a number of countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Romania, Bulgaria, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, as well as in Asia – Mongolia. Four states in the world remain still socialist, they are also included […]

The concept of "global financial market"

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the scale of the global financial market. If earlier the world financial market was traditionally considered to be part of the structure of the world loan capital market, now the border between them is becoming less clear and strict, since trade in financial and derivative […]