Subjects and objects of ownership

Subjects of property are understood as specific people (groups) who enter into property relations among themselves. The subjects of property can be an individual, a collective of people, society as a whole. This is determined by the accepted way of personification of property: the approach is either mono-subject or polysubjective. The latter, in turn, can […]

Subjects of the economic system

An economic system does not exist outside of human society, so there are many subjects operating in it. The subjects of the economic system are the participants who function in this system, whose needs, interests and goals are realized in it. Since there are many subjects, but certain of them have close or unambiguous functions […]


Agriculture remains an important sector in Japan’s economy, although its share of GNP is declining (to 2.0% in 1999). The country’s agriculture employs 4.1 million people (6.6% of all employed). Small-scale peasant land use predominates. Despite the agrarian reform, the dwarf type of peasant farms prevails in the country (sometimes the plot has less than […]