Small countries of dependent plantation farming

This subgroup includes the countries of Central America: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The main distinguishing feature of these countries is the preserved agrarian specialization of the economy (bananas, coffee, cotton, etc. are produced) and a high share in the export of agricultural products. The countries of this […]

Territory and geopolitical position of Belarus

The territory of the country, as one of the main elements of its economy, includes land, its subsoil, natural resources. The economic and geographical concept of “territory” considers the entire set of factors of production. The territory of Belarus in the twentieth century, due to political and military upheavals, changed as follows: 1921 –52.3 thousand […]

Best Value Strategy

The strategy is focused on providing customers with more customer value for the same money. The goal is to offer the consumer a product of high consumer value that meets his expectations for the main consumer properties and exceeds his expectations in price (based on the price that competitors request for a product with similar […]

Differentiation strategies

In situations where consumer requests and preferences due to their diversity cannot be satisfied with standard products or the previous composition of sellers, differentiation strategies are applied. For successful differentiation, the company must study the requests, behavior, preferences of customers and their idea of the consumer value of the goods. After that, the company adds […]